assistant字体_Google Assistant中最好的游戏和复活节彩蛋
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Google Assistant packs a lot of useful voice commands, but then . Assistant sets itself apart by also including some of the fun stuff Google is usually known for. These are some of the most fun and entertaining features you can find in Google Assistant on your phone, , or Google Home.

Google助手打包了许多有用的语音命令,但是打包了。 助手还包括一些Google通常以其有趣的东西而与众不同。 这些是您可以在手机,或Google Home上的Google Assistant中找到的一些最有趣和有趣的功能。

To play with any of these games, you’ll need Google Assistant, which isn’t available everywhere. You’ll need , , or Google Home. Google Assistant also works a little differently based on what device you’re using, so we’ll note where these games do and don’t work.

要使用这些游戏中的任何一个,您需要使用Google助手,该助手并非在任何地方都可用。 您需要需要 或Google Home。 根据您使用的设备,Google助手的工作方式也有所不同,因此我们会记下这些游戏在什么地方起作用以及什么地方不起作用。

玩幸运的琐事游戏节目 (Play a Trivia Game Show With I’m Feeling Lucky)

Platforms: Phones, Google Home Activation phrase: “I’m feeling lucky” or “play lucky trivia”

平台:电话,Google Home激活短语: “我很幸运”或“玩幸运琐事”

Google’s trademark I’m Feeling Lucky button might be totally pointless ever since  removed the need to click anything, but the phrase has found a new home. Tell Google Assistant “I’m feeling lucky” and you’ll trigger a trivia game complete with an old-school game show announcer voice. You and a few friends can each play, taking turns answering trivia questions while Google gives you funny nicknames like Bubbles or Cupcake.

自从消除了单击任何内容的需要以来,Google的“我很幸运”按钮的商标可能毫无意义,但该短语找到了新家。 告诉Google助理“我很幸运”,您将触发一个带有老式游戏节目播音员声音的琐事游戏。 您和几个朋友可以各自玩耍,轮流回答琐事,而Google为您提供有趣的昵称,例如Bubbles或Cupcake。

用水晶球回答您的燃烧问题 (Answer Your Burning Questions With Crystal Ball)

Platform: Phones, Google Home Activation phrase: “Crystal ball”

平台:电话,Google Home激活短语: “水晶球”

If you’ve ever played with a , you can probably guess how this will work. Start the crystal ball game with Google by saying “crystal ball” and Assistant will tell you to ask it a question like, “Will be the best Marvel movie of all time?” Google will then respond by giving you an answer like, “Of course.” The answers are randomized…or pre-ordained and always accurate, depending on how much faith you want to put into Google.

如果您曾经玩过 ,则可能会猜到它是如何工作的。 通过说“水晶球”开始与Google进行水晶球游戏,助手会告诉您一个问题,例如“将成为有史以来最好的Marvel电影吗?” 然后,Google会给您一个答案,例如“当然”。 答案是随机的或预先确定的,而且总是准确的,具体取决于您对Google的信任程度。

玩疯狂的解放者的游戏 (Play a Game of Mad Libs)

Platform: Phones, Google Home Activation phrase: “Mad libs”

平台:电话,Google Home激活短语: “ Mad libs”

Anyone who took a road trip before the advent of handheld games or smartphones remembers playing Mad Libs. For any new arrivals to the world, Mad Libs is a game where you provide words of a certain type, like “noun” or “verb.” Then, someone else fills those words into a story. The result is about 30 seconds of slightly silly fun before you go back to asking how much longer until the next rest stop. Google Assistant streamlines the game, filling in all the blanks for you without letting anyone see the story ahead of time. As an added bonus, Google’s voice-to-text gets your response wrong every once in a while (especially if you’re giggling while you speak), and the misinterpretations can be be even funnier than your real suggestions.

在掌上游戏或智能手机问世之前进行过公路旅行的任何人都记得玩Mad Libs。 对于世界上任何新来的人,Mad Libs都是一款游戏,您可以在其中提供某种类型的单词,例如“名词”或“动词”。 然后,其他人将这些单词填入故事中。 结果是大约30秒钟有点愚蠢的乐趣,然后您再问多长时间才能下次休息。 Google Assistant简化了游戏,为您填补了所有空白,而不会让任何人提前看到故事。 另外,Google的语音转文本功能有时会偶尔使您的响应错误(特别是如果您说话时咯咯地笑),而且误解甚至会比您的真实建议更有趣。

放松与环境噪声发生器 (Relax With an Ambient Noise Generator)

Platform: Google Home Activation phrase: “help me relax”

平台: Google Home Activation短语: “帮我放松”

While not technically a game, this little feature of Google Home is soothing enough to become a regular fixture. Simply say “Ok Google, help me relax” to get a random ambient noise stream—like the sound of the ocean or a crackling fireplace—for the next hour. You can also ask for a specific sound if you have a favorite. , you can ask for the following sounds:

从技术上讲,这不是游戏,但Google Home的这一小功能足以使其成为常规设备。 只需说“ Ok Google,请帮助我放松一下”,即可在接下来的一个小时内随机获得环境噪声流,例如海洋声或or啪作响的壁炉声。 如果您有喜欢的声音,也可以要求特定的声音。 ,您可以要求以下声音:

  • Relaxing sounds

  • Nature sounds

  • Water sounds

  • Running water sounds

  • Outdoor sounds

  • Babbling brook sounds

  • Country night sounds

  • Oscillating fan sounds

  • Fireplace sounds

  • Forest sounds

  • Ocean sounds

  • Rain sounds

  • River sounds

  • Thunderstorm sounds

  • White noise


By default, these sounds will play for an hour, but you can customize how long they play. For example, you can say “Ok Google, play running water sounds for two hours.” You can also ask “Ok Google, play an ambient noise for two hours” to get a randomized noise for however long you want.

默认情况下,这些声音将播放一个小时,但是您可以自定义它们播放多长时间。 例如,您可以说“ Ok Google,播放流水声音两个小时。” 您也可以要求“ Ok Google,播放环境噪音两个小时”,以获取任意长时间的随机噪音。

Curiously, the ambient noise generator only works on Google Home. If you make the same request of Google Assistant on your phone or watch, Google will search for whichever ambient noise you asked for on your preferred music streaming service. Of course, there’s probably some nature sounds albums on Spotify or Play Music, too. So, the effect will be about the same, but Google’s first-party ambient noise generator is exclusive to Google Home.

奇怪的是,环境噪声发生器只能在Google Home上运行。 如果您在手机或手表上对Google Assistant提出了相同的要求,则Google会搜索您在首选音乐流媒体服务上所要求的环境噪声。 当然,Spotify或Play Music上也可能有一些自然声音专辑。 因此,效果将大致相同,但是Google的第一方环境噪声生成器是Google Home专有的。

玩一些小型迷你游戏 (Play With a Slew of Smaller Mini-Games)

Google’s always adding new Easter eggs and fun touches to their products, so it shouldn’t be surprising that there are a bunch more hidden in Google Assistant. Here are some of the most fun things you can say to Google that aren’t really full games, but are still enjoyable (or even a little useful).

Google一直在为其产品添加新的复活节彩蛋和有趣的修饰,因此Google Assistant中隐藏了更多的内容也就不足为奇了。 您可以对Google说一些最有趣的事情,它们并不是真正的完整游戏,但仍然很有趣(甚至有点用处)。

  • Flip a coin (Phones, Watches, Google Home): Ask Google to flip a coin and it will tell you if it’s heads or tails. Handy for settling disputes like who has to take out the trash.

    掷硬币(电话,手表,Google Home):请Google掷硬币,它会告诉您正面还是反面。 对于解决纠纷,例如谁必须把垃圾丢掉,非常方便。

  • Roll a die (Phones, Watches, Google Home): Similar to flipping a coin, if you ask Google to roll a die, it will spit out a number from one to six. This could be handy if, for example, your group can’t decide what restaurant to go to.

    掷骰子(电话,手表,Google Home):类似于掷硬币,如果您要求Google掷骰子,它将吐出一个从1到6的数字。 例如,如果您的小组无法决定去哪家餐厅,这可能会很方便。

  • Where’s Waldo (Phones, Watches, Google Home): Ask Google where you can find Waldo, and Google will quite sarcastically tell you the kinds of places Waldo hangs out. Like crowded public spaces, or the peppermint stick convention. If you need a more specific answer, you might try texting Waldo directly.

    Waldo的位置(电话,手表,Google Home):问Google在哪里可以找到Waldo,Google会讽刺地告诉您Waldo闲逛的地方。 像拥挤的公共空间,或薄荷棒惯例。 如果您需要更具体的答案,则可以尝试直接给Waldo发短信。

  • Play the Name Game (Phones, Google Home): You’ve probably played the Name Game as a kid—the game where you take a person’s name, permutate it into gibberish, and call it “rhyming”—even if you don’t recall that it was . Just tell Google, “play the name game with Whitson” and it will sing back to you “Whitson, Whitson, bo-bitson. Banana-fana-fo-fitson. Fee-fy-mo-mitson. Whitson!”

    玩名字游戏(电话,Google Home):您可能在小时候就玩过名字游戏-在游戏中您将一个人的名字改成乱码,并称其为“押韵”-即使您没有记得那是 )的。 只需告诉Google,“与惠特森一起玩名牌游戏”,它就会向您唱“惠特森,惠特森,博比森”。 香蕉-fana-fo-fitson。 费米森森。 惠特森!”

  • Talk like Yoda (Phones, Google Home): Despite Yoda’s habit of speaking backwards , it’s one of the character’s most defining characteristics. Ask Google to “talk like Yoda” and it will speak a few garbled sentences, randomly re-arranging words. Which, frankly, would probably be offensive to Yoda’s species .

    像Yoda一样说话(电话,Google Home):尽管Yoda习惯于向后讲,但它是角色最鲜明的特征之一。 要求Google“像Yoda一样说话”,它会说一些乱码,随机重新排列单词。 坦率地说,尤达的物种,那可能会令人反感。

  • Repeat after me (Phones, Google Home): Much like a parrot, this feature is probably best left to those responsible enough to not misuse it. Unless it’s really funny. Simply say “Ok Google, repeat after me” then follow that up with whatever you want. Google will say back whatever you said to you. Of course, if your language is too dirty, Google might censor itself before you record it and upload it to YouTube.

    在我之后重复一遍(电话,Google Home):就像鹦鹉一样,此功能最好留给有责任心的人使用,不要滥用它。 除非真的很有趣。 只需说“ Ok Google,跟我来重复一次”,然后继续执行您想要的操作即可。 Google会回复您对您说的任何话。 当然,如果您的语言太脏话,则Google可能会先对其进行审查,然后再将其录制并上传到YouTube。

Google’s not going to replace or  anytime soon, of course. However, it’s good for a little light-hearted fun every once in a while. If you’re bored in the car or just feel like showing off your Google Home when you have guests over, these games can be a nice break to the monotony.

当然,Google不会很快替换或 。 但是,偶尔偶尔也会有一些轻松的乐趣。 如果您对汽车感到无聊,或者只是想在接待客人时炫耀自己的Google Home,那么这些游戏可能是单调的不错选择。




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